Well, since the last time I posted quite a bit has happened. A group of guys from our church (steinbach cmc) came over and helped with the basement. Doors and closet doors were hung in place, some electrical was done, and the ceiling was put up! And boy does it ever look great! We hired our the flooring and that is now complete as well. The only things left to do are finish off the electrical and get the toilet and vanity hooked up to plumbing. It is looking great! We have listed the house a few places online, in the Carillon, and also made it it's own blog site!
Please tell anyone you know if they are looking to buy a house. :) We're really praying that our house sells quickly.
Also a praise item is that our entry visas are approved and are waiting at the Australian High Commission in Ottawa. We need to have our visas stamped in our passports, but in order to have them stamped in our passports we must provide our flight itinerary. However, because our house is not sold yet, we can't buy tickets and therefor don't have a flight itinerary. So...in other words, nothing further can be done until our house sells. It's nice knowing that our visas can be stamped into our passports within 48 hours as they are already approved.
At times we find it very difficult going through this process. Part of us feels like we just want to be out there already, and the other part feels like it's happening so fast. It's kind of like living in limbo right now. I've heard it explained by other missionaries as feeling like the 9th month of pregnancy. You've been living with expectation for awhile and it's all coming close to the end, however it never seems to come quick enough. I finally understand what that means! :) We've been very blessed with encouragement from family and friends and we couldn't do it without that.
Please continue to pray with us that our house would sell quickly and that we would be on our way! And in the meantime that we would learn patience and reliance on God to meet all our needs along the way.
Blessings, Clinton & Rolanda & crew