wow it's been awhile since I last posted! :) sorry about that. obviously not much has changed. Our house is still on the market, and I must say that it's getting tiresome waiting for our house to sell. I need to keep reminding myself that this is all gonna happen in God's timing and that's good enough for me!
I was able to go to Haiti this past december for 2 weeks with Samaritan's Purse...what an experience. I worked straight nights for 2 weeks, approx. 150-170 hours is what Clinton figured out I worked. It was very exhausting emotionally and physically, but I made it. Cholera is a horrible disease. It dehydrates someone so quickly. Iv therapy and maintenance was my main job in the cholera clinic. I worked with pediatrics the whole 2 weeks, and fell in love with so many of the children and their families.
I missed Clinton and my kiddos like crazy, and am so happy to be home with them now! :) Christmas was busy and great! Lots of family time and good food. Now it's back to the grind and with that comes the start of our fundraising support for PNG and talking in churches. At first we weren't supposed to start raising support until our house sold, but now leadership at NTMC have decided that we should start raising our support starting Jan, 2011 so we'll be ready to leave when our house sells. We are happy about this, and excited/nervous about this new phase. Please continue to pray with us that our house would sell soon, and that we will be successful at raising the necessary support.
Blessings, Clinton & Rolanda and kiddos