This was our day guard, and friend, Enoch. He is a short man, but this guy is a tank. I asked how he got such big muscles and he said, "uh, I do some push-ups and run." He was much more interested in talking about the work the gospel of Jesus had done in his life.
Once again, our blog has let too much time lapse since being updated, so I will put a few things in point form:
- (October) I (Clinton) started working full-time at NTMA with the goal of getting to 4 days a week so that Rolanda can work one day a week in the clinic.
- (October 22) Tayah's Birthday was a lot of fun for Tayah and for us all as a family. It stood in stark contrast to the Twins who had their birthday quietly with only our family in attendance as we had just arrived and didn't know anybody. Tayah had about 10 friends over and they all had a great time. Our family also went to a restaurant for the first time since arriving and enjoyed the pool. Other than having to pick a broken glass that Rorik dropped to the bottom of the pool, and cutting my finger on it, we really had a great time. It was strange having Tayah's birthday in summer weather!
- (November 2) My birthday. It was a simple day, but Rolanda and I watched a movie and ate lot's of junkfood, which was a treat we allowed for a special occasion:).
-(Late November) Rolanda works her first shifts in the clinic! Rolanda was very excited to get back into the clinic and be a professional again. She got her first IV on the first try and is very happy to be using her skills again. In the future she will be in the clinic every Monday for 8 hours. I will take over the home front on those days, including Tayah's homeschooling.
- (Tayah) Tayah is really starting to get the hang of her letters and will be reading any day. I think she is ready now, but we will follow the cirriculum, it has worked so far. She has started telling us what the first letter of all the words she is saying and is quite proud of herself. We are proud too!
_ (Aowyn) Aowyn is a short girl, but her diminuative personality makes up for her lacking in stature. She repeats everything she hears and we have started having to be much more careful about what we say. She has picked up the word "stupid" and likes to say it at the most inopportune times...hey, we never claimed to be perfect and we would hate for you to think we are...:)
- (Rorik) Rorik is catching up in height to Tayah and it looks less and less like we have twins. He is as rough and tumble as a little boy should be. Him and Tayah love to play fight and Aowyn just watches and smiles. Often his brute nature gets him in trouble but we look forward to seeing it harnessed for God's glory.
- (the past few weeks...) We just got home from Lae today where we spent the last couple of weeks. There was a real short notice need for somebody to look after our NTM guesthouse in Lae as we are in the process of selling but couldn't get it completed before our missionaries there went on home assignment. So, we cleared it with our ministries in Lapilo and volunteered to help. It was a good opportunity to help out while seeing more PNG and getting a break. The guesthouse had a little above ground pool that really helped in cooling off from the high humidity in Lae. There is also a little bit more shopping in Lae and we were able to get some good buys for the kids. The drive up is pretty, but the bumpy winding, up and down switchbacking through the mountains is very nauseating and Aowyn and Tayah lost their breakfests. The rest of us felt sick but made it through. The way home was much better, but our NTM contingency expert who was driving us was sick, so I got to drive for a couple hours in the mountains.
-(Why are we here again?) It is not very interesting to tell you about my job, "I answered some emails, balanced our accounts...", so it often doesn't get mentioned. However, we are a piece of a puzzle that comes together to bring the news that there is One God, who in his love sent his son to pay the price of sin for all who will simply believe. Many have not heard this message, but many are hearing and believing. So, while we often write of the extra things we are doing (and we are very thankful for those things), it is worth noting that work is being done, and we are a part of that work. You who have supported us with encouragement in various forms, and especially with prayer are a part of that work too, and we can't thank God enough for you. May you know the saviour personally, and be drawn closer in his presence daily. God bless!
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